The Beauty of Success

This week, I have made some serious progress on my ROW80 goals and I am quite pleased. Even though I didn’t finish all of them, I’ve managed to lever myself out of the rut that I’ve been in re: reading and writing and editing and life.

My goals for ROW80 are:

  • read a book a fortnight
  • blog about something other than WIPpet/ROW80
  • practice Swedish/French/Spanish/Russian
  • edit Queen of Hearts 
  • write something, anything

Where I wanted to be at the end of this week:

  • finished editing Chapters 9 & 10
  • read a book (Captive Prince)
  • practice a language every day
  • prep my interview with my next character 🙂 You can help me choose which character to speak with!
  • submitted 3 more job applications

How I went:

  • read a book a fortnight – my goal was to read Captive Prince before I went to listen to a talk by the author on Tuesday night. It turns out that yes, I can still read a book in less than a day.

  • blog about something other than WIPpet/ ROW80done and done, my good sirs and madams. I also shared some great posts on medieval literature and world-building.
  • practice Swedish/Spanish/French/Russian every day – DONE 🙂 I focused on Swedish again this week although I also spent a bit of time revising French.
  • edit Queen of Hearts – I had hoped to be finished chapters 9 and 10 by the end of this week but alas, I am still working on Chapter 9. I did have to toss everything already in those chapters, restructure and start again, which is why the process is taking longer than I had hoped.
  • write something, anything – Success! This has mostly been rewriting/redrafting the aforementioned chapters 9 and 10.
  • prep my interview with my next character – I didn’t do this as far in advance as I would have liked but Jahinda proved talkative and it looks likely that I’ll have to visit her again later.
  • submit 3 more job applications – done.


There’s a lot of green here which makes me happy. Remember to pop round on Saturdays for the character interviews. Who will it be next week – Kalegos or Zri? YOU decide! 🙂

Kalegos has magic but in Lygea, magic is a death sentence. Sent to live with an elderly scholar, Kalegos buries his magic, focusing instead on scrolls of history and languages. But what is buried  cannot stay so forever.

Zri is the son of the legendary Miri, the woman who planned and executed the assassination of the previous Four, corrupt leaders who held Erelda under their thumb. When the Sacred Flame names the next Four, Zri struggles to live up to his mother’s reputation.


9 thoughts on “The Beauty of Success

  1. Chris Loehmer Kincaid says:

    You certainly have been making good progress on your goals. I am so jealous that you know other languages. What German I learned in high school and what Spanish I taught myself have all gone out the window. You do have to keep using it or you lose it.

    I would like to read an interview with Kalegos. How does one bury their gift for magic? And is it a gift or a curse?

    • Amelia E. Browne says:

      These are indeed important questions. 🙂 And yes, with languages, it is really a matter of use it or lose it which can be difficult sometimes. I’m sure with a little practice, your knowledge of the languages would start to return. 🙂

  2. Erin Zarro says:

    Congrats on all that progress!

    I give you lots of credit for trying to learn 4 languages at once! I have tried that before, but it was tough!

    Kalegos is my vote for the interview! I’m a sucker for secrets and hidden things.;)

  3. Lila Leigh says:

    You have my beat on the languages since I only speak English & Spanish. I tried Dutch and Brazilian Portuguese before, but never followed up. Great job with your goals. I want to read the Captive Prince too.

    • Amelia E. Browne says:

      It’s a good book. I may post a review of it at some point. Definitely not the sort of book you find everyday. As for the languages, I am most certainly still in the learning phase rather than the knowing phase 🙂

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